Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jonny be Good

A conversation just after school on Thursday:

Hen: "Mom, will you rake the leaves into a big jumping pile?"

Me: "Ah bud, not today. Mommy doesn't feel so well."

Hen: "Oh, sorry."

Me: "Let's ask Daddy to do it when he gets home."

I soon forgot about this conversation.
Fast forward 24 hours.

After lying in bed all afternoon with a case of who-knows-what, I schlep into the kitchen to take my dose of meds that aren't really working. I see this through my kitchen window:

secretly taken through the glass.
my heart leaps.

fun to watch without being discovered.

ok, you got me.

Apparently, Henry asked is older buddy Jonny, to help him
rake a "jumping pile" of leaves.

Jonny obliged. He is a good soul.

Little boys will do anything that their older friends can do.

Jonny told Henry that he scored "10 points" on that slide.

They raked them back up and Jonny scores a 10 on his slide.
How I love you Fall.
Thank you Jonny for making Henry's day.
How lucky for me to see your sweet face five days a week!

Friday, October 9, 2009

say cheesy

A tribute.

Bell Photography, you are no Annie Leibovitz, nor Busath, but I hold you dear in the sentimental corner of my memory. Mr. Bell, it was you that placed me back row, center for every grade school class photo that was ever taken in my life, except for third grade, when by some miracle, you seated me front row middle and let me hold the sign with our class nameplate. Even now, as a faculty member, my domain of top row center is held for me. Surely by now, I am a familiar face to you, Mr. Bell. One year, in second grade, you captured a great shot and you double-exposed me. It was ever so lovely; one of me forward, and another of me, gazing off to the side at who-knows-what. Cherishable.

Even today, you snap the pictures of my own children. Historically, they have been dreadful. Your young, untrained photographers do not have a mother's eye. They do not care about hairdos, crumbs about the face, or fake smiles. They are paid, I'm certain based on sheer volume. And your backdrops? The rustic barn, the floral canopy, I can't even go there.

But this year. I took a risk on you, old Mr. Bell. And guess what? You did ok! I even sorta teared up a little as I pulled the glossy paper from its sleeve. I'm thinking, this'll do as fair trade for my thirty dollar payment. The fact that both children are listing to the right is no biggie at all.

a kindergarten baby

fifth grade and fabulous, dawling!

Faith restored, Bell Photography! Keep clicking away. Just keep my girls off the top row. One can be neither cute, nor demure on the top row, center. Take it from an expert.