Saturday, May 2, 2009


I am shocked to realize that I no longer have babies to baby. These days, they can pretty much do whatever they want or need to do by themselves. At some point in the past, I thought this would be a devastatingly tragic time when there would be no more babies. I might have even dismissed the notion held by so many that "every stage is a wonderful stage." I'll tell you that it is true. My kids get more enjoyable each day, well.... each year. We have our days. Anyways, I still have little Henry to latch onto. Most of the time, he lets me. The girls have come into their own, as of late. Just look and see what their little autonomous selves did this week.

Maddi staying on top of her educational game.

Hillary in the Knowlton 5K. It was a torrential downpour. She finished it, no complaints at all. And yes, I will work on my "anticipation of subject entering frame."It was so much wetter than it looks.

Scooter boy is not particular about rollin' in his jammies. He won't go anywhere without his new 5-piece Transformers protective gear.

If you ever wondered what Kermit the Frog or Elmo look like on a scooter, just push "play."


  1. Joyous! Life is so good and you are blessed. Enjoy. I love each one of them and I love you.

  2. Congratulations Maddie! Smart girl. Way to go Hillary! You're braver than me. Happy Scooting Henry . . . I love the look! Three adorable kids that I enjoy seeing each day.

  3. how has it taken me four days to see this? where have i been?

    way to go maddi and hillary. how cute are you both! and love to see henry in all his scooter gear. what a stud.

  4. Good job, everybody! That includes Mom and Dad! There are so many great choices being made at your house. The video of Henry looks like you live in Paradise. The trees are so pretty and your street looks like the Cleavers might live there.
    Congrats Maddi! Nice work!! You can do anything and do it extraordinarily well!
    Hillary, not only did you finish a hard thing in less than perfect weather conditions but you finished with a smile! Nice attitude!!
    Henry, you are looking so grown up on your scooter, especially with your neat scooter gear! I think you must be very smart!!
    We are proud of all of you. Love you forever.
